Contact Status Summary

Below is a list of names of classmates from 1964 to when stumps were pulled in '69.  We are in contact with those highlighted in yellow , have leads for those in cyan & those in magenta are deceased.  Details will be added as they become available, & (with permission of each) contact details will be listed on the Secure Site.  Below this is an incomplete list of teachers that we have either direct or indirect contact with - please help establish contact with more if you can.

If we've not got you highlighted below in yellow then please use the   e-mail form to register your details.

If you can give us any information on others, please use the here is a lead e-mail form to to give us any contact leads.

Students  click here for contact details (registered users only)

Allison, Elizabeth

Eason, Darryl

Jacobs, Margaret

McPhee, Ross

Stenton, Judith

Banks, Helen

Edmonds, Margaret

James, George (Robert)

Mead, Dennis

Stott, Chris

Banks, Marilyn

Elliot, John

James, Vicki

Meehan, Anne

Strachan, David

Bannister, Lynne

Ewin, Geoff

Johnson, Leonie

Melton, Mark

Strachan, Terry

Barrow, Linda

Fenerty, Pam

Johnson, Ray

Melvin, Jane

Stubbs, Rosalind

Bartrop, Lesley

Fisher, Rae

Jones, Phil

Milander, Reino

Symons, Dianne

Bate, Richard

Flutsch, Anthony

Jory, Karen

Mildenhall, Michael

Talbot, Connie

Bell, Warren

Foster, Mark

Judge, Lynden

Mitchell, Wendy

Tambakis, John

Benham, Cheryl

Friedman, Margaret

Kay, Bruce

Morley, Keith

Taylor, Karl

Blakeman, Neroli

Gadsby, John

Kendal, Alan

Muir, Christine

Taylor, Rhonda

Blood, Paul

Genders, Kristin

Kimura, Makoto

Mulheron, Gary

Thomas, Dianne

Boyle, Christine

Genero, Andrea

Kirby, John

Neilson, Jim 

Thomas, Michael

Bretherton, Lynda

Gibson, Trevor

Knowles, Ron

Nielsen, Bente  

Tier, Graham

Bright, Geoff

Greer, Paul,

Kramer, John

Owen, Stephanie

Tingey, Pamela

Brindley, Faye

Guest, James

Lamerton, Sue

Pannell, Jane

Todd, Rodney

Brown, Jane

Hambly, Christine

Landy, David

Parsons, John

Townsend, John

Brown, Lance

Hamilton, Kerry

Laneyrie, Frances

Pease, Lynette

Trevena, Allen (Ross)

Browne, Nanette

Hannam, Barbara

Langtry, Bill

Peat, George

Trevor, Lee

Brownlee, Leslie

Harding, Brian

Laycock, Kristine

Perotta, Robert

Turner, Allison

Cairns, Wilma

Harrison, Gordon

Lemke, Ulrick

Piterans, Linda

Underwood, Don (Mark)

Cartwright, Wendy

Hart, Leonie

Leske, David

Polley, Sue

Ups, Laine

Chapman, Julian

Harvey, Phil

Lewis, Bronwen

Powrie, John

Valentine, Wendy

Charlton, Gary

Hay, Wendy

Liney, Richard

Preston, Ruth

Wade, John

Cheney, Rod

Hayman, Narelle

Little, Max

Pylyp, Erica

Walmsley, Diane

Cole, Robert

Hayman, Sandra

Lock, Laraine

Rainow, Julie

Weaver, Leonard

Condon, Leslie

Healey, Barry

Lowesley, Lorell

Richardson, Irene

Wedlock, Marian

Connell, Sue

Hemmings, Janice

MacGregor, Robert

Rickard, John

Welsh, Jacquie

Cook, Susan

Hitchenson, Denise

Mackie, John

Robson, Wendy

Wickham, Robert

Cowan, Julie

Hodgson, Lance

MacMillan, Ian

Rodgers, Anne

Wilkinson, Bill

Cowper, Kathy

Hogg, David

Main, Peter

Rogers, Stephen

Williams, Bruce

Cox, Jennifer

Hogg, Ian

Manning, Rosemary

Scanlon. Barbara

Williams, Craig

Dalziel, Gai

Holland, Tony

Mansfield, David

Schmidt, Michael

Williams, Dennis

Davies, Joy

Holwell, Karen

Margerison, Larry

Shadwick, Keith

Woodcock, Claudette 

Davis, Wayne

Horrell, John

Marott, Neil

Shepherd, Glen

Yeo, Stephen

DiLeva, Janis

Howchin, Helen

Martin, Peter

Shepherd, John

Young, Paul

Donegan, Kevin

Hunt, Carolyn

Matchett, Margaret

Simpson, Christine

Younger, Phil

Doerr, Randolph

Hutchison, Carol

May, Janet

Smith, Margaret


Duell, Peter

Inczedi, Josy

McCluskey, Lynnette

Smith, Sherry


Duncombe, Sue

Jackson, Meryl

McGrath, Suzanne

Spinney, Helen


Teachers  click here for contact details (registered users only)

Armstrong, Deirdre

Lloyd, Brad

McLeod, Ian

Tanner, Nigel


Cook, Judy

Martin, John

Polley, Diana

Turner, Stuart


John Flynn

Masterton, Veronica

Solomons, Dave

Wade, Jim


LeMessurier, Dawne

Morgan, Patricia

Souter, Pat

Weatherall, Adele


Last updated Wednesday, 14th October 2009


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